The guest today, Mercedes Pollmeier, has experience training at a high level and training high-level people. I was drawn into her story, because of the controlled movement videos on her Instagram account @Modusathletica. Mercedes breaks down movement to a comical level at certain points. As someone finding climbing later in life, it was helpful to learn proper warmups. As a runner with very poor balance and a tendency to just push through things. She gave me a different perspective and I found her training videos helpful for the body awareness, I was ignoring.
Just simplify running to taking a single step. Now, remove momentum. Do you think you could make every movement? Finding those weaknesses really redefines strength and that’s what Mercedes focuses on.
- PEAK NUTRITION - Smart Fuel for Outdoor Adventure by Maria Hines & Mercedes Pollmeier
- THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE GUIDE Simple Strength by Mercedes Pollmeier
I have also found a few apps and great sources along the way. I am not being sponsored by any of these apps or people I am going to discuss. Just speaking merely from personal experience.
- Alo Moves app
- Playbook - Sally Mcrae
- @Meg_Takacs Dr. Anh Bui @runresilientlydpt
Amazing Guest: Mercedes Pollmeier
Host: Jacalyn Gross
Producer: Jeremy Canaria & Jacalyn Gross
Editor: Jacalyn Gross & Jeremy Canaria
Photographer: Greg Orlov, his IG handle is @negativev1